Walking Consciously

Anantadev das
3 min readAug 12, 2023


In the labyrinth of life, decisions stand before us like crossroads, each beckoning with its own set of uncertainties. The eternal debate between good and bad decisions lingers in the air, leaving us often paralyzed with doubt. Yet, in the midst of this contemplative dance, let us shift our focus from the decision itself to a vantage point where consequence takes center stage.

Every decision carries within it a resonance of causality. The ripple effect of choices flows through the tapestry of existence, painting our journey with hues of experience. Instead of fixating solely on the juncture where choices are made, let us explore the depth of contemplation that lies in discerning the consequences we are willing to embrace.

Regret is a familiar companion on our voyage through time. We’ve all traversed the landscapes of imprudent choices, leaving footprints we wish we could erase. Hindsight paints these moments in a stark light, revealing the shades of foolishness that seemed hidden in the moment of decision. But let us remember, at the crossroads, we chose what resonated with us then. The heart’s compass, unbridled by reason, often leads us in directions where logic falters.

This isn’t an attempt to exonerate those who’ve caused harm through their decisions. The weight of grievous actions mustn’t be brushed aside. Rather, it’s an exploration of our intrinsic humanity, acknowledging our imperfections and the nuanced interplay of action and consequence. The concept of ‘perfect decisions’ dissipates when we peer through the lens of cause and effect — the tapestry of life woven from countless threads.

Call it karma or the law of cause and effect, the principle remains unchanged: every step bears a mark on the path of existence. Amidst these intricate connections, resides the lesson. It’s not about absolving ourselves from the shadows of our past, but about embracing the illumination that stems from conscious action in the present and future.

Remember this — every step isn’t just your journey; it’s an invitation for others to walk alongside. Each decision ripples through the lives of those around us, creating intersections of shared experience. As we embark on our chosen path, we inadvertently become guides for others, shaping the contours of their journeys as well.

Contemplate the myriad paths laid out before you. As you embark, remember that the decision itself is a silent harbinger, a vessel for the experience that follows. Life’s experience is multifaceted, and each step brings forth a distinct facet of existence, revealing in turn a particular facet of your being. Some facets gleam with beauty, while others bear the weight of hardship. In every experience, the universe extends an invitation to learn and grow.

Life’s symphony encompasses both joy and pain, and within each chord, a melody of wisdom resonates. As we cultivate openness to these lessons, we transmute mere existence into an enlightened journey. Every step becomes a conscious stride, steering clear of impulse’s whims. The colors of experience enrich us, for it’s not just the path we tread, but the footprints we leave behind that truly matter.

