Letting Go of “Should” and Embracing “Is”
In the journey of existence, we often overlook the inherent wisdom of living in the present moment, as we become entangled in the web of “should.” A myriad of expectations surrounds us, dictating how things ought to be, how our lives should unfold, and how we should have acted in the past. This constant projection into the future or the past keeps us from embracing the essence of life, which only manifests in the ever-unfolding now.
While we can glean valuable lessons from our past experiences, we must recognize that those moments are but memories now. The true power lies in the present, where life is actually happening. And although we may hold dreams and hopes for the future, we must trust that they will come to fruition in their own time, in the present moment.
Consider the folly of insisting it should be day in the middle of the night or longing for summer amidst the winter’s chill. Such notions reveal a lack of acceptance and understanding of reality as it stands. The preoccupation with “should” removes us from appreciating the beauty and wisdom that exists in the present moment.
Acceptance is the key to unlocking the profound essence of life’s experience. When we perpetually “should” ourselves, we create a sense of lacking and discomfort. However, by embracing what is, we come to realize that life is naturally unfolding as it should, and there’s no need to force it in any particular direction. Acceptance allows us to cherish the gift of the present and move forward with openness and grace.
“Should” is static and rigid, hindering growth and blocking the flow of life. In contrast, the “is” is dynamic and fluid, guiding us through the dance of existence. Let us relinquish the habit of “should-ing” ourselves and instead embrace the wisdom of “is-ing.” Through acceptance, we liberate ourselves from the burden of anxiety and find the path to growth and contentment.
In accepting the totality of our human experience — the highs and lows, the joys and sorrows — we come to appreciate the richness of life. By accepting what is, we align ourselves with the rhythms of existence, freeing ourselves from unnecessary suffering. It is in this surrender to the present moment that we discover the profound beauty and wisdom that lies within every fleeting second of our lives.
Alan Watts, a philosopher of great insight, once said, “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” So let us embrace the dance of life with open hearts, releasing the burden of “should,” and surrendering to the infinite wisdom of the present moment. In doing so, we shall find peace, growth, and a profound connection to the ever-unfolding tapestry of existence.